Vocabulary also plays a significant part in making the grade.

Learning to manage time and dismantle questions into more understandable parts can be the difference between failing and achieving an acceptable score. Once you have completed a section of the exam, you cannot go back and work on it. There are 37 questions in the English and Language Usage section, with a time limit of 37 minutes.Īll sections must be taken during the same testing administration. There are 50 questions in the 60-minute-long science section. This section requires students to complete 38 questions in 57 minutes. This section gives students 55 minutes to complete 45 questions. This makes passing the TEAS a crucial hurdle on the path to becoming a nurse. Students that do not reach their goal can retake the exam in 30 days, but it is not recommended to take the test more than twice during a six-month period. Every school sets its own acceptance scores, so it is critical that prospective students earn the highest scores they possibly can. The seventh edition of the test was released June 3, 2022, and aligns the test with current nursing and health educational standards. The Test of Essential Academic Skills is an exam developed by the Assessment Technologies Institute for Nursing Education to evaluate potential nursing and allied health program students on their mastery of basic reading, mathematics, science, and English language skills. As with many professions, this begins with a critical test that must be passed. For people born with the desire to nurture and heal people in need, getting accepted into the nursing school of their choice is the first step in their career. Proven TEAS test flashcards raise your score on the TEAS test. If any response option is out of order, the entire question is scored as incorrect no partial credit is given. Each question provides between four and six responses, and you must drag each option from a box on the left to a box on the right.

You must click on the area of the image that correctly answers the question. Hot Spot: Hot spot questions provide an image containing between two and five clickable areas.Words and numbers are both acceptable as answers. Instead, the question asks you to “fill in the blank” or to simply answer the question provided. Supply Answer: Supply answer questions do not provide answer choices.If you select any incorrect answer choices and/or do not select all of the correct answer choices, that question is scored as incorrect no partial credit is given. For these questions, a prompt appears, asking you to “Select all that Apply.” To correctly answer a question, you must select all correct answers. Multiple-Select: Multiple-select questions provide four or more answer choices, and more than one answer choice may be correct.In addition to text, some questions include charts, exhibits, and graphics.

Multiple-Choice: Multiple-choice questions provide four answer choices, with only one option available to select as the correct answer.The computerized version of the TEAS 7 contains five different question types:

The paper-and-pencil version of the TEAS 7 is a multiple-choice test that contains 170 questions.